Case Study: BodyFX (Love Handles)

Procedure: BodyFX

Area Treated: Hips

No. of Zones: 2

No. of Sessions: 8 weekly

Energy: 43

Maximum Tissue Temperature: 42

Pulse Width: 2

Aftercare: The client was recommended an intake of 2-3 litres of water per day to prevent general dehydration. The client maintained the same nutrition and exercise routine throughout the 8 weeks following her sessions, as she had been doing during the sessions.

This client was looking to achieve targeted fat loss around her hips and waistline, to achieve more of an hourglass shape. She maintained her weight throughout the treatment, as well as adhered to a healthy lifestyle, including working out with a personal trainer twice a week.

In the Before and After photos below, you are able to easily see the volume of fat lost around the client’s midline in the after photos (right side). The after photos were taken 8 weeks after the client’s last treatment session, so that optimal results were visible.


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