Express Spray Tans vs. Regular Spray Tans

At Schulz Beauty & Body we offer a “Glow On The Go” spray tan option which means you’ll be able to shower sooner

A common misconception with rapid tans is that you'll be fully developed with your new tan after you've showered. Regardless of shower time, all sunless tanning products require 24 hours to see full development of the tan. 

Even if you shower 3 hours after being sprayed, your full colour results won't be seen for another 21 hours.

What is the benefit of an express spray tan?

You can shower as soon as 2 hours instead of waiting 8 hours. Depending on your schedule this might be the best option if you need to shower sooner than later.

Rapid tans are recommended for nursing moms, gym goers, busy on the go clients, tight travel schedules and clients getting tanned in hot weather.

For example a rapid tan is beneficial for clients who are going out for the evening and don’t have time to wait the 8 hours before showering, if you’re hopping on a plane and don’t have the time to wait and want to rinse before your flight, if you think there is a chance you’ll be getting wet/sweating within 8 hours, etc.

So how do express tans work?

They work 2 ways: Rapid formulations require both a higher DHA % and an accelerating ingredient.

The highly purified accelerating ingredient absorbs quickly into the skin but it also protects the DHA from breaking down. This allows for more DHA to get absorbed into the skin and at a faster rate meaning it can be washed off sooner than our 8 hour development solution (i.e. our 24 Karat spray tan). 

Things you need to know when doing our Glow on the Go spray tan:

  • We will consult with you to know exactly when to shower depending on the level of colour/darkness you want to achieve (i.e. 2 hours for a very light tan, 5-6 hours for a deep tan)

  • You must “Trust the process” - after your shower you may feel like you’ve showered your tan off; this is not the case as you will continue to get darker after your shower and full development will be seen the next day.

  • When showering, use no soap & simply rinse off. Ensure all bronzer is rinsed off. Post shower, use a tan friendly moisturizing lotion.

  • Tip: if you’re looking to get tanned for an event - you’ll want to come 1-3 days before the event. It’s a common error for clients to think they can tan for an event the same day with a rapid because once you rinse the bronzer off it will still take time for the tan to develop on your skin.

Have questions? Reach out to us at or you can book with online with this link here.


Featured bride: Vanessa


Case Study: BodyFX (Love Handles)